Originally published in 1886, this spiritual treasure features 15 full colour images and text from Christ in His Church: Her Dogmas and Her Saints by Rev. Henry Rutter, Rev. Alban Butler, Rev. J. O'Leary, D.D., and John Gilmary Shea, L.L.D. Imprimatur by The Most Reverend John McCloskey, Archbishop of New York.
Excerpt from the Twelfth Station:
"O Suffering Son of God! I now behold Thee in the last convulsive pangs of death---Thy veins opened, Thy sinews torn,Thy hands and feet, O Fountain of Paradise! distilling blood. I acknowledge, charitable Jesus, that my reiterated offences have been Thy merciless executioners, the cause of Thy bitter sufferings and death. Yet, God of mercy, look on my sinful soul, bathe it in Thy precious blood! Let me die to the vanity of the world, and renounce its false pleasures..."
Cover printed on blue parchment cardstock
5.5" by 8.5"
32 pages