St. Anthony came from a noble Portuguese family and spent 10 years as an Augustinian before joining the Franciscans. He soon became famous for his preaching because he was extremely good at explaining Scripture. So much so, that St. Francis of Assisi asked St. Anthony to teach theology to the friars who wanted to become priests. He taught and he preached throughout Italy and southern France. Pope Gregory IX commissioned him for a collection of sermons, which led to Pope Pius XII making St. Anthony a Doctor of the Church in modern times. His reputation as a finder of lost things also started during his lifetime. Once, a novice stole the saint's psalter which contained all his notes for teaching classes. When St. Anthony discovered it was gone, he prayed that it would be found and the novice was inspired to come back and return the book to him.
This holy card has two short prayers on the back. One is written by the saint himself invoking the help of the Holy Spirit in understanding and growing in holiness. The other is for finding lost articles.
Dimensions: 3" x 4.5"
Printed on white cardstock.
Image source: Chant Art