St. Benedict and St. Scholastica Leaflet
Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica, brother and sister saints, whose feast days occur near or during the season of Lent, lived shortly after the fall of the Roman Empire, when society was filled with all kinds of vice. Both their lives offer sterling examples of the virtuous life which God calls those in every age to live. "Come my children, we will teach you the fear of the Lord. (Ps. 33:12) Today if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. (Ps. 94:8)
Throughout this leaftlet of St. Benedict and St. Scholastica, are excerpts from The Holy Rule, a short biography about each saint, prayers to them, promises made by God to St. Benedict, an invocation to obtain saintly bishops, and sacred literature to condemn error and rekindle the good zeal of Christian perfection. There is also a bibliography for those who would like to read more on them and know more about the heritage of St. Benedict which continues on in our times.
Printed on ivory paper