Plans for building a folding manger to display a figure of the Christ Child in your home during the Christmas season. Instructions are for a 12" long manger. You may change the measurements to build a manger size of your choice. Pattern includes a list of materials and tools, step-by-step instructions in both words and pictures, and a color picture of the finished product. Recommended level: beginner.
This is a wonderful project to work on in Advent and when you are done you can use the crib to follow the old custom of building a Christmas Crib in your heart: place a jar of straw or paper cut to look like straw beside the empty crib at the beginning of Advent and all through Advent each time a family member does an act of love or sacrifice for the Christ Child, place a straw in the crib. By Christmas, when it comes time to place the figure of the Baby Jesus in the manger, there should be a nice bed of straw waiting!
Included insert: The Advent Family Spiritual Crib - a little card with a prayer and act of love for each day of December leading up to Christmas. Use it to build a home in your heart for the Baby Jesus.
Dimensions of final product: 10" x 7" x 12" (Dimensions can be adjusted based on the size of your Christ Child figure.)
Pattern designed by Joseph Shema.
Product does not include wood or tools; instructions only.