Easter Greeting Cards - Set of 10
"Resurrexi et adbue tecum sum! I am risen and am still with thee! I suffered and died, and am risen again. It is thy sins I have washed away in My Blood; it is for thy place in Heaven that I have paid with My life; it is for thee I am risen that My Resurrection may be the pledge and the model of thine." (Mother Loyola, With the Church, vol. 1 Advent to the Ascension, 1924)
The anniversary of this Resurrection is a day of Great Joy! It is the holiest of days since it opens to us the gate of Heaven, into which we have listened to Holy Mother the Church and prepared by our bodily mortifications and compunction of hearts in the Lenten Season. (The Liturgical Year , Pascal Time volume by Abbot Gueranger, osb). With gladden hearts we follow the disciples of the first Easter morning and say, Surrexit Christus! Christ is Risen! This is the Day the Lord has Made, let us Rejoice and be Glad!\
Eastertide is one continual feast as was stated in the third century. And St. Ambrose tell us, "...our ancestors have taught us to celebrate the fifty days of Pentecost as a continuation of Easter. There are seven weeks and the feast of Pentecost commences the eighth...during these fifty days the Church observes no fast, nor does she on any Sunday. For it is the day on which our Lord rose; and all these fifty days are like so many Sundays." (The Liturgical Year, Pascal Time volume by Abbot Guerangers, OSB)
It was a custom for the men in the mountainous regions of Austria to proclaim the Day the Lord has Made by firing their rifles and the echo would resound from mountain top proclaiming the holiest day of the Church. On Easter Monday the custom of remembering the two disciples who traveled to Emmaus and met Our Lord on the road, is when the sick and elderly are visited. In the weeks between Easter and the Ascension, four days are given as Holy Mother the Church and her children travel the countryside from farmland to farmland chanting the Litany of the Saints to receive God's blessing for a good harvest and protection from inclement weather.
Our Blessed Eastertide Card Set began its maiden voyage Holy Week 2019 offering 10 different Easter vintage images conveying the JOY on Eastertide -- messages tucked inside on the Day the Lord has made -- Easter Sunday from excerpts from: 19th century Venerable Abbot Gueranger on Easter Sunday and the fifty days of celebration in the Emmaus cards, the Good Shepherd cards offer the Easter message of St. Patrick while the Easter greeting cards offer a selection of Psalms from the Divine Office; and the Resurrections cards convey the bible passages of Colossians 3:1-4. It was so well received we present it to you.