The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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The Little Office of  the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the early Christian centuries, the laity took part in praising God in the Divine Office in the canonical hours of the Church.  The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offers families an opportunity to return to that fervor and custom of praising God, uniting their prayers with Holy Mother the Church for the Sanctification of Sundays and if you desire to follow the example of Saint Catherine of Siena, St. Louis of France and St. Bridget of Sweden  who attentively and devotedly recited this office daily.
It has been known through the ages that the Psalms express in the human heart the tender love for God and gratitude to belong to Him.  Ponder for Just A Moment  that when we recite the office we have not only the example of the saints but that of The Holy Family too.  In the Season of Lent that we enter into for our sanctification, we are nourished with the Word of God.

The text of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Office of the Dead is of the 1915 Benziger Brothers edition. The content of the Offices was revised in conformity with the norms of the typical edition of the Roman Breviary published in 1961.
Completely re-typeset with the Latin and English text on facing pages. Angelus Press offers this beautiful edition to the faithful, 264 pages, and measures. 4" x 6". Printed in red and black text. Gold foil stamped, black, flexible softcover with rounded corners.

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